Creation Production
Past and Current Supporters of Creation Production Company
Board of Directors

Dorothy E. Fennell, Labor Historian
Joseph Fersedi, Senior Analyst, ITG Investment Research
Clinton Fisher, Attorney, Hanly Conroy Bierstein Sheridan Fisher & Hayes
Maria Rosa Fort, Writer
Anne Hemenway, Administrator, National Committee for an Effective Congress
Matthew Maguire, Co-Artistic Director
Susan Mosakowski, Co-Artistic Director
Elizabeth Parker, Professor, Art Historian
Margitta Rose, Artist
Stephen Sherrill, Partner, Bruckman, Rosser and Sherrill
Marjorie Weinman

Gerald Clarke
MJ Gladstone
Jennifer McDowall
Joumana Rizk
Dorothea Tanning 

nysca logo
The New York State Council on the Arts
The National Endowment for the Arts

Robert Sterling Clark Foundation
The William and Mary Greve Foundation
Heathcote Foundation
Jerome Foundation
The J.M. Kaplan Fund
The Northwest Area Foundation
Peg Santvoord Foundation
Stephen and Katherine D. Sherrill Foundation

Zeke Berman
Glenn Branca
Rosanne Cash
William Conlon
Sage Cowles
Joan Davidson
Elizabeth Diller
Charles Dorkey
Joan Dufault
Mark Dufault
Kathy Easter
Robert Ellsworth
Barbara Ess
Eric Fischl
Richard Foreman
Joe Fyfe
April Gornik
Carla Jackson
Richard Kalina
Joe Lawton
John Leventhal
Bruce and Joan Maguire
Mercer Management
Joseph Massoud
Joseph Melillo
Andreas Nowara
Jane and Albert O’Brien
John Peebles
Lucio Pozzi
Robert and Patricia Ross
Maurine Rothschild
Ricardo Scofidio
Kit-Yin Snyder
Barbara Weisl
Nancy Spero
Allan Wexler
Charles and Jean Wood

Creation Production Company is a not for profit organization under
the IRS code 501(c)3. All contributions are tax deductible and greatly

Contributions can be sent to Creation Production Company 127 Greene St.
NY NY 10012